A special attempt in a normal day, trying not to throw away trash... (ECOYA)

  • Easiest habits to protect the environment, practices to reduce waste
  • Ordinary citizens, can you spend the weekend without throwing anything away?
  • Buy lots of trash at the mart...How's your shopping basket?

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What is the worst influence that ordinary people can have on the environment? The easy thing to come up with is "the act of throwing away a lot of trash, whatever it takes." So how can a person throw away less trash? This article is about a self-service mission that doesn't throw away the trash. It started with the question, 'How much trash do I usually throw away and what do I need specifically to reduce it?'

Most humans throw away trash every day. Trash always comes out to anyone. Some people use disposable products recklessly, and there may be relatively little use of plastic or plastic, but there is no human being in the world who doesn't produce garbage, whoever it is. Reducing trash is an important and urgent problem. Being good at recycling separation is, of course, important, but it should basically be thrown away less.

Then, what is the specific way to reduce waste? I wanted to feel it for myself, so I planned a "state that doesn't throw away the trash."

The goal was simple. Not throwing away any trash all week. Of course, I knew it wouldn't be easy. The plan was like this for now. I had a plan to buy or not use disposable items, wash cotton masks, come up with a way not to throw away trash while shopping, visit the store with a personal bowl and pack it up if you want to eat delivery food, like the Ki-taek's family in the movie "Parasite." If you shorten the plan to one sentence, there was one conclusion. Be willing to take the inconvenience. It is meaningless to lie down in bed all day without eating or drinking, so I decided to live my daily life the same way as usual.

  • Lost strength due to the determination, courage, and reality of being uncomfortable

In the morning, as soon as I woke up, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. If you eat breakfast on your way to school, there is a high chance that trash will come out in the process, but it seems to be a good start since you skip meals.
While washing my face without much thought, I suddenly thought, 'Isn't living a waste?' However, since survival itself is impossible without water, we decided to move on. I vowed to endure the inconvenience but I did not mean to go out without brushing his teeth. But the problem began then. To avoid the current dangerous epidemic of coronavirus, the disease prevention mask and medical gloves had to be used. Of course, these were disposable items, but I decided to use them because they were necessary these days to avoid getting sick. I went out and stopped by the candy store first. To avoid using plastic to carry candy, I put candy in an eco bag that I took from home. But when I looked at the candy I bought, it was individually wrapped. I tried not to use disposable products in my own way, but I had already started to accumulate disposable products.

  • The strange incongruity of 'green' keywords with the desire to find something 'hygienic'

I was wondering if there would be any other way to reduce that in the course of buying things. In the end, we decided to change the method. There were vegetables and fruits wrapped in white plastic containers. To reduce the plastic, we decided to buy the rest of the ingredients in the traditional market. Fortunately, near my neighborhood, there is a traditional market that is considered one of several sizes in Seoul.

I hurriedly finished my calculations and tried to put things in a large paper box at the self-packing table, but I gave up. They decided to take the paper box separately, even if it was inconvenient to think it was trash. We divided the goods into the shopping carts we had taken in advance, and the bulky ones were just loaded into the car.

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Wait, however, there was a scotch tape and a wrap on the self-packing stand of the large mart I visited that day. I felt uncomfortable because I felt that "comfortable" and "pragmatic" still came first over the environment. I wanted to ask people near the self-packing stand why I didn't abide by the government's recommendation, but I couldn't stop talking about it because the reporter was not able to keep his promise to accept the inconvenience. But one hopeful thing is, there were many customers before dinner, but there were no people in front of the self-packing table where the tape was.

As a vegetarian, I went to the market to buy vegetables and fruit. But white plastic containers were no exception there. Most of the individually packaged products did. I looked for a store where I could pick out several items at once. It was hard to find. Come to think of it, I think the reporter thought it was 'hygienic' when it was individually wrapped. I felt strange because we felt that we were trying to find something clean and that we had to protect the earth's environment.

I bought 10 apples in a box. Maybe it's just the mood. The piled-up apples looked somehow less fresh than those packed separately under bright lights. The Owner of the shop hurriedly dried what he was trying to put in a plastic bag and put it in his shopping bag. I'm the proudest thing I've ever done this

  • I didn't throw away any trash, but I keep piling up spare garbage in my house.

Looking back, I bought a lot of trash. To be more precise, they were brought together 'unavoidably soon' in the process of buying things, but they were going to be garbage anyway.

I made dinner and drank coffee. The process of drinking coffee without trash was not easy. A year ago, I bought a Nespresso capsule machine to cut down on going to cafes. I was going to drink that coffee on that day, but thinking about it, the leftover capsule is trash. Fortunately, Nespresso picks up the capsule. Nespresso said that the collected capsules are recycled into aluminum and coffee scraps are recycled as fertilizer or energy sources.

Still, I decided not to throw away the trash, so I went to a cafe with a tumbler and brought some Americano. Then the tumbler unwashed the detergent and wiped it. Another thought came to my mind was, 'Is our sewage really okay?' I cut down on trash, but I increased the sewage in my daily life with detergent.

As of Monday evening, nothing has been thrown into the trash yet. He didn't use wet tissues or tissues he used to use in his habit, and he replaced paper towels he used to drain in the kitchen with a dishcloth. But one large plastic mass, eight medium-sized plastic, and dozens of plastic bags and plastic wrappers were placed in a "waste-waiting state." Is it okay to still be at home and not abandoned?

  •  ' Without-Trash' operations that are difficult to exceed a day

The second morning of the challenge was bright. On the first day, I vowed not to do that today, as he put a lot of "spare garbage" in his house. I had breakfast with the ingredients and leftovers. Even when cleaning the dishes, I took the inconvenience on purpose. Two frying pans would have wiped off the oil first with paper towels, but on that day, I soaked it in warm water and then dried up the oil-filled water first. Personal hygiene or cleanliness, which would have been used as toilet paper, was also replaced by water on this day.

In my opinion, environmental pollution is three major categories. Air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution. While throwing away the oil-studded water, I felt ashamed that I had polluted the sea, I tried to reduce soil pollution by not throwing away the oil-filled paper towels. It seemed to reduce the air pollution that would be caused by burning garbage.

I wanted to eat ice cream for dessert. There are some ice creams that I like in the freezer. However, I decided to endure that. If I open the package, it's trash again. Of course, I already bought it, but I didn't want to use it without restraint.

So I didn't use the trash can from 9 a.m. on Monday to noon on Tuesday, spending more water than usual.

The special challenge in the ordinary day ended around noon on Tuesday. Did the trash come out of the lunch preparation? No, it failed after taking out barley tea bags to boiling water. I finally failed to "live without leaving trash" when I put tea bags in a garbage bag in 27 hours. He has yet to try to take his personal courage, go to a restaurant and pack my food.

For your information, I made sandwiches for lunch. A few days ago, I ripped open the plastic package of ham I bought and melted a long-stained piece of cheese in the freezer. A piece of plastic as big as a palm and a square cheese wrap was added to the garbage list. Living without trash, it was hard for me to live more than ten thousand days. Besides, strictly speaking, the trash could not be reduced significantly. What if it were you?

  • Although we say that everyone's responsibility is nobody's responsibility...

Mike Tyson is said to have said this. "Everyone has a plausible plan. Until I got a blow..."I had a plan, too. But the plan didn't work out properly. There were too many unrecognized realities.

The effort to reduce waste applies to both consumers and producers. Some say, 'Everyone's responsibility is nobody's responsibility.' But this is really a problem for all of us. I think it's worth living like this once in a complicated world.

We will find how to protect the Earth and change the environmental pollution


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