Why a healthy diet saves the Earth?
"To prevent climate change from collapsing, we should reduce beef consumption by 90 percent." The report is based on a recent report published in the world-renowned scientific journal Nature. If the current eating habits are not improved, the ecological environment will be destroyed beyond the reach of 10 billion people in 2050. This warns that a change in eating habits is not a "choice" but a "must" to prevent climate change.
A small 'food revolution' that begins with food choices actually has a tremendous impact on the Earth. It's hard to believe, but this is to save the Earth, which is suffering from pollution in water, soil, air and sea. Healthy diets, in particular, are a necessary change for modern people who are overcalorie and undernourished. A plant-based diet, healthier organic purchases, and waste-free food preparation keep the body healthy while also saving the Earth.
1. Enjoy a vegetarian diet
The aforementioned report is a quantification of the impact of food production on the global environment by Oxford University researchers and others, and is considered the largest collection of data on the food crisis. According to the researchers, the "flexitarian" (mainly vegetarian, minimal meat intake according to the situation) diet should be popularized to prevent climate catastrophe. The diet means to reduce beef consumption by 75 percent, cut pork by 90 percent and egg intake by half, but eat three times more beans and four times more nuts than the present. The researchers pointed out that advanced countries such as the U.S. should reduce consumption of beef by 90 percent and milk by 60 percent. "We have to choose between eating more vegetables or destroying the planet," said Dr. Johann Lostham, a researcher at the German Institute for Climate Change in Potsdam, Germany.
Problems such as greenhouse gases, water shortages, and river pollution caused by pollutants that actually produce livestock are causing great damage to the global environment. It can also prevent the clearing and destruction of vast forests to feed cows with bean feed. According to the European Union (UN), 33 percent of the earth's arable land is used to grow livestock feed, and livestock is grazing at 26 percent of the Earth's surface without glaciers.
Reducing greasy meat consumption is also essential for a healthy diet. Plexiterian is the third-largest diet in 2018 by the US News & Worldlyport. In particular, vegetable foods contain numerous phytochemicals (plant chemicals) that are not found in animal foods, and they also contain various vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and proteins. It can lower calories and is also effective in improving saturated fat and cholesterol levels, so it is a good diet to prevent various diseases. It also helps prevent cancer, which everyone fears. A study by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute in the U.S. found that low-fat vegetarian diets reduce cancer incidence by 60 percent. "There is only a 40 percent chance that people who eat vegetarian diets will get cancer," said Welliam Carthuli, director of the Institute for Heart Disease in Primingham, the U.S.
2. Increasing the purchase of organic food
A healthy diet begins with the purchase of healthy food. What is the best food ingredient to set up a low-calorie vegetarian diet? The purchase of organic food is a healthier and safer choice. Organic means that it does not include all antibiotics, artificial flavorings, preservatives beyond pesticides or chemical fertilizers. Reports continue that the addition of artificial chemicals has a negative effect on the body. According to the American Organic Farming Association, there are more than 3,000 chemical additives that can be allowed in general foods.
Increasing organic purchases is also linked to environmental protection issues. Many scientists are finding that organic farming helps ease climate change. Organic farming also benefits in protecting biodiversity, increasing honeybee populations and improving water quality. According to the German Food Watch Institute, greenhouse gas emissions could fall by 8 percent if the existing diet is changed to organic food. Experts say that organic farming is the safest way to eat food while protecting the Earth and create sustainable farming in the future.
3. Ordering and Cooking Only Food
It is also important to get rid of food waste. Buying and cooking only as much food ingredients as needed at a mart and ordering only as much as you want to eat at a restaurant not only removes food waste but also prevents excessive food consumption. Too much food in front of you makes overeating easier.
Cooking without leftovers, and eating moderately is also for healthy diets and Earth. Recently, there have been warnings that the situation will deteriorate rapidly in the near future if there is no action against discarded food waste. According to a report by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in the U.S., the amount of food thrown away annually is expected to reach 66 tons per second worldwide by 2030 and 2.1 billion tons per year. Food waste accounts for 8 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions, according to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization.
According to climate change scientists, if current global eating habits are maintained, food production alone could exceed the 2050 greenhouse gas emission target. "There is no magic to prevent climate change easily," said Marco Springman, a professor at Oxford University who studies climate change and food relations. "There is a need for solutions such as changes in diet, changes in agriculture, and fewer agricultural and marine products that are thrown away in the middle."
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