SOOHYUN'S ADVENTURES - To the wide world

 Hello! It's been a long time since I left a personal story like this, right?

But something big happened to me these days, so I really wanted to share it with many people!
The big deal was to apply to the university I really, really want to go to, and I applied to Tsinghua University in China on October 15. Oh, my God! I'm so excited.
The document results will be released next week.
As I said in a previous posting, I am interested in sustainable developments, 
Persistent Organic Pollutants
(POPS), water purification, and environmental improvement, so I applied for environmental engineering in university applications.
I applied for the Department of Environmental Engineering at Tsinghua University(Always first priority, to me), and I have been working hard so I hope it goes well.
I'm nervous and excited every day since I applied. If you're reading this, please pray that I can get accepted to Tsinghua.
The Building of Environmental Engineering in Tsinghua


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