Polar bears rushing into island villages due to the effects of climate change.

 Local authorities have declared a state of emergency as more than 50 hungry polar bears have appeared in residential areas on the Russian island. As the ice melts, polar bears come down south looking for food, causing friction with residents.

Frightened residents tried to set up fences around the school and chase the polar bear away with warning shots, but are reluctant to come out of the house itself as it is useless.

According to the BBC and other foreign media, more than 50 polar bears have been spotted in Novaya Zemlya, a remote island village in Russia, since late last year, wandering in residential areas, searching garbage cans or even entering buildings. About 10 of them were completely buried in the village.

"I've lived here since 1983, and I've never seen polar bears appear on such a large scale," regional administrative chief Vigansha Moussin told the BBC.

The polar bears came down south in search of food as Arctic ice melted in the effects of climate change, according to foreign media.

The British daily Guardian said, "Climate change has caused polar bears to move away from normal routes and hunting routes. This has long been expected because the Arctic is warming twice as fast as other parts of the Earth."

He added, "The human eye toward the polar bear is not just compassion, but fear," adding, "This fear is a natural emotion in the current situation where the crisis of climate change, which we thought was a threat to the distant future, suddenly feels real."

"There is no place without humans and bears have nowhere to go," the Guardian said. "But the media is focusing on the 'invasion' of polar bears in the headlines and discussing the 'abortion' of bears."

"The important thing is that polar bears are losing winter, and ultimately so are humans," he said. "We have to be sorry and worried about ourselves and the polar bear."

Experts point out that an understanding of climate change and the survival of polar bears is needed before kicking them out. According to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the Arctic's ice area has shrunk by a quarter in the last 50 years. In addition, polar bears are starving as they lose their habitats due to oil and natural gas exploration in the Arctic Ocean, increased concentration of harmful chemicals, and collisions with humans.

"The polar bear is the top predator of the food chain and plays an important role in balancing the Arctic ecosystem," a WWF official said. "The polar bear crisis may signal another problem in the Arctic marine ecosystem."

We need to think about the life of polar bears.


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